ERP, which is an abbreviation for Enterprise
Resource Planning, is principally an integration of various business management
functions and practices with modern information technology. In an ERP System
Technology integrates with the Operational/Management functions and processes
of a Business to streamline and accomplish specific business objectives.
Basically ERP is a software architecture that supports the
management of information scattered over various functional and geographically
units of an Enterprise and provides the business management executives with a
comprehensive overview of the complete business execution details, which in
turn influences their decisions in a productive way. The Business processes May
differ for different organizations but the ultimate Business Concepts remain
the same which is the base of all the ERP technologies.
My Emphasis here is on sharing the knowledge that I have
gained during my journey with the ERP Systems, Primarily Oracle Applications E
Business Suite. This blog is my own
repository of Notes that I have prepared as part of my ongoing research and
Experience with Oracle Applications E Business Suite.
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I would appreciate your valuable comments and Suggestions.
Your feedback is very important for my personal improvement and quality of
content on this blog.
You may anytime contact me at
The opinions expressed on this blog/Site are solely my own
personal views based upon my Research, experience and observations and do not
reflect the position of Oracle, My Current or Previous employers or Their
Clients or any other Corporation