Sunday, January 26, 2014

WebADI Common Errors

WebADI Common Errors

Web ADI Configuration Error    
     BNE_UIX_PHYSICAL_DIRECTORY is not configured.

This error can occur under several conditions:
  • Unable to open WebADI
  • After running Autoconfig on nodes not able to upload files
  • When selecting the 'Desktop Integrator' Responsibility the seeded menu options produces the error
  • After installing Oracle E-Business suite R12 and attempting to create a hierarchy using the create spreadsheet functionality(WebADI)
  • When creating a Layout as Trade Management Administrator
  • When attempting to do an Import inside the activity screen in Marketing Online the error occurs

Some Helpful metalink Notes:

  • WebADI - Web Applications Desktop Integrator BNE_UIX_PHYSICAL_DIRECTORY is not configured Error in Release 11i and R12.x (Doc ID 1312156.1)
  • Error BNE_UIX_PHYSICAL_DIRECTORY Is Not Configured in R12 When Attempting to Use WebADI Spreadsheet to Create Hierarchies (Doc ID 430991.1)
  • WebADI Create Layout In Trade Management Error: "BNE_UIX_PHYSICAL_DIRECTORY is Not Configured." (Doc ID 413289.1)
  • BNE_UIX_PHYSICAL_DIRECTORY Is Not Configured Error (Doc ID 888386.1)

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